Sunday, February 5, 2017

Teacher Economics 2017

Teacher funds not reaching intended audience affecting their overall economic structure.

All through out history we have had teachers. From olden time to present time. Long time

ago the folks that taught our children were the elders. They would pass their knowledge down

from generation to generation. They started to compile stories and began to create books. From

these simple ways through out our history we have the knowledge being transferred from

person to  person.

We have teaching done in a one shack building to our present day complex of schools. The classroom

is where the it all happens. From simple reading and writing lessons to complex internet learning.

Our minds are opened by these ways and traditions that have evolved and made the teacher. Our

leaders are shaped by these people and the knowledge that we consume and process them. The world

is a vase book of learning we take in and share this vision amongst all our people. We take part

in achieving our goals based on what we learn. This knowledge is what makes us a  great nation of

people. We rise to greater heights having learned these valuable lessons taught by our teachers.

Going forward how teachers are our only hope. As parents we have to take part and show our

kids the true meaning of an education.  Without them understanding the true meaning how can

they comprehend this logic. Last point I want to make is. The lack of high grades todays students

are not receiving. Our country lags behind other countries because we don't pay the teachers what

their worth. We send our kids to school not prepared then expect miracles. The teachers are in catch

22 episode. Without the tools that are needed how can we expect them to perform miracles.

Are only hope is we have to change the processes to enable our teachers to exceed our

expectations. We must strive to initiate change that will help everybody succeed. As a society

we have to incorporate new changes to improve the system. Our local school districts with the

new administration have to work harder to get funding to implement winning processes. In the

long term that is our ultimate goal.