Sunday, April 16, 2017

buena comida1

Our food and its humble beginnings. Have you noticed a our food is getting hotter.
The taste for hotter and more flavor able foods is taking over our taste buds in a good way.
The reason your food is getting hotter is because your are not alone. There are more Americans that are claiming to like spicy food. It wasn't always  that way. For many years, our American cuisine wasn't on the radar for heat and spiciness. There are some Cajun dishes carrying serious heat, but that is a regional  thing kind of like Southern BBQ from the South. If you don't believe that food is getting hotter try the McDonald's Hot and Spicy chicken sandwich  or go to Wendy's to Carl's Jr., it does exist in our  country.
Image result for scoville unit scale

The millennial taste buds are just the beginning. When it comes to hotter cuisine your headed the right way. The millennial group appears to be the largest fans of spicy foods in the US. According to current research, about 54% of the American population now agree and prefer spicy foods. Now, that's the general population. But, amongst this percentage of folks are the millennials. And, 75% of this generation group want more flavors on the menu; not simply more, but yes hotter. As 62% of millennials are describing themselves as "being adventurous  carnivores". That being said is a huge shift from previous generations. With all the information, images, social media and the connectivity of this group.

Things started to change with all the healthier menu choices. The last time you visited a fast food restaurant did you not notice the words: habanero, jalapeno or siracha posted on the menu? They have also been trimming the fat from your food choices. The compound in chili peppers that actually gives the peppers its heat is called capsaicin. This enzyme travels all the way to the brain as does fat molecules. Your body will tell you when you've become full because of the fat in the meal. By adding these chilies and capsaicin in the food will allow for plenty of flavor without adding extra calories you don't need.

For many of us its been our choice to get take out food and seem to indulge in something new, trying out a new range of flavors and experiences (and including some capsaicin intake). So it is the millennials who are responsible for all those new spicy foods cropping up on the menu, even if was based on health and money. Godere!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

pictures say it all

It’s okay to  be a father in modern time 2017,  The add displays a very noble scene before us.
We see a  big burly WWE wrestler  named Roman Reigns  and his petite little daughter  named Joelle both enjoying a cup of tea.

When I first saw this ad I immediately  thought of my kids. When you have your first child

your whole world unfolds before your eyes. Then you should strive to give them all of your

precious time. It can be taught at home. I think the best compliment ever gotten from anyone
was when my sister in law from California a very snooty person  said something very remarkable that she commented :

Your kids really have some good manners and know how to eat.. I used to be involved in some
Political PAC’S from being around people in the news I learned how to eat gracefully. Example
eating chicken used a knife and fork to dismantle and  pull it apart for example. So what I  learned in these events they were passed onto my kids. Still to this day they use the skills I showed them when they were little kids. A very good life lesson taught by me and my wife. Another good lesson was the use of the word Thank You, still to this day when I forget to say this simple word I am told by them don’t forget to say Thank You, DAD like you always scolded us to say that very easy word I go oops forget so sorry and then tell Thank you for reminding me.

They used a very simple music melody to do a sing a long as they both interacted before the
Camera. Good use of visual effects to highlight their message to us.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Teacher Economics 2017

Teacher funds not reaching intended audience affecting their overall economic structure.

All through out history we have had teachers. From olden time to present time. Long time

ago the folks that taught our children were the elders. They would pass their knowledge down

from generation to generation. They started to compile stories and began to create books. From

these simple ways through out our history we have the knowledge being transferred from

person to  person.

We have teaching done in a one shack building to our present day complex of schools. The classroom

is where the it all happens. From simple reading and writing lessons to complex internet learning.

Our minds are opened by these ways and traditions that have evolved and made the teacher. Our

leaders are shaped by these people and the knowledge that we consume and process them. The world

is a vase book of learning we take in and share this vision amongst all our people. We take part

in achieving our goals based on what we learn. This knowledge is what makes us a  great nation of

people. We rise to greater heights having learned these valuable lessons taught by our teachers.

Going forward how teachers are our only hope. As parents we have to take part and show our

kids the true meaning of an education.  Without them understanding the true meaning how can

they comprehend this logic. Last point I want to make is. The lack of high grades todays students

are not receiving. Our country lags behind other countries because we don't pay the teachers what

their worth. We send our kids to school not prepared then expect miracles. The teachers are in catch

22 episode. Without the tools that are needed how can we expect them to perform miracles.

Are only hope is we have to change the processes to enable our teachers to exceed our

expectations. We must strive to initiate change that will help everybody succeed. As a society

we have to incorporate new changes to improve the system. Our local school districts with the

new administration have to work harder to get funding to implement winning processes. In the

long term that is our ultimate goal.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Growing up in the Westside. My home was modest and simple. We were surrounded by good neighbors. Behind us were the Japanese families. In the front were the folks from Oklahoma they called themselves "Okies". Then the remainder were Hispanic families. The "Okies" were named the Allan's they used to call our neighborhood the United Nations because of the different folks living there. We got along just fine, we learned about different styles of food and styles and pictures.
In these memories I remembered my Mom always taking pictures. She would take all kinds of pictures of us kids. We  have  pictures from infants to graduation and in between all of those years. Whenever we traveled to New Mexico to visit the relatives she was creating a lifetime history of the family's. Often as kids we would ask to look at the box of pictures to find out our relatives and who they are. My Mom used a Kodak Box camera, it was square and handheld. That's what she used to capture these moments.
With these memories in my head off I went to school. In high school I thought of playing sports then I got a genius moment, it dawned on me what happens when you get injured and those injuries plague you for life. So I changed my tune and took a photography class. This changed my path completely I became an outstanding photographer. Took all kinds of sport pictures and worked on yearbooks. Some photographs were featured in NEA teacher magazine still got the copies.
I began to expand my work and started to take wedding pictures as a business. Then I became police crime scene photographer, did that for a few years and moved on. When my first son was born I did a photography experiment I photographed him every week for 1 year. Just to record the difference in time. So I continued that quest of recording all my children I've taken lots of pictures.
These are memories they take with them in history of life growing up in a good and stable family. On that note, I once had a brother in law who passed away. Often whenever folks and family came by to visit I always had a camera ready to take their picture. I took his photograph with his girlfriend and he asked why do I always take pictures I responded perhaps one day you might be gone and I would always cherish the last picture I took of you. They did perish in an accident. We still cherish that picture in our home and hearts.